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Vendor Application

Please list products you plan to sell at the farmers market (or attach a list). Please be as specific  as possible. If you want to add a new product, you MUST consult with the Market Manager  first or risk having the product pulled

Please note the dates and times for this year’s market at the top of the page. Vendors who commit to participate in a majority of our weekly markets (30 or more) will have reserved spaces as close to “regular” placement as possible; no placement is guaranteed. The fee for participation is based on space required (minimum $20/market). Be sure to contact the Market Manager if you need more than 12’x12’ space (including side space) to determine costs.  *New vendors!!! Contact the Market Manager in advance via email ( ) about  participating in the market; space is limited. 

Thanks for submitting!

Please note the dates and times for this year’s market at the top of the page. Vendors who commit to participate in a majority of our weekly markets (30 or more) will have reserved spaces as close to “regular” placement as possible; no placement is guaranteed. The fee for participation is based on space required (minimum $20/market). Be sure to contact the Market Manager if you need more than 12’x12’ space (including side space) to determine costs. 

*New vendors!!! Contact the Market Manager in advance via email ( about participating in the market; space is limited. Invoices will be sent monthly based on anticipated attendance. If you do not plan to attend every market from May 5 to December 22, please indicate below which markets you will not attend.  If your plans to participate in the market change, please notify the Market Manager as soon as possible in advance. Failure to do so may affect future participation and will affect invoices. Placement at future markets may also be affected by absences that are not  negotiated with the Market Manager.  Please sign this form and return it to the Market Manager via email or regular mail (addresses  below), along with a signed copy of the Portsmouth Farmers Market Rules and Regulations and copies of any required permits and/or licenses.** Please retain a copy of this form for your  files.  I hereby certify that I have read, understand and agree to abide by the Rules and Regulations  of the Portsmouth Farmers Market and will accept the authority of the Market Manager  regarding participation in the market. I agree that the City of Portsmouth and PortsEvents,  Inc., will be held harmless and will incur no liability for accidents or damage to any person or  property belonging to the vendor as a result of participation in the market.   Market Manager contact information:  Terry Danaher (for PortsEvents, Inc.)  413 Dinwiddie Street  Portsmouth, VA 23704  757‐397‐6395                                                                                                                           

**Please attach copies of any applicable permits, licenses, or certificates from the City of Portsmouth, the Department of Health, and/or the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services  (VDACS). Copies of these documents should also be kept by vendors at their market space. See “Vendor  Responsibilities” in the Portsmouth Farmers Market Rules and Regulations. For additional information,  see these websites:  City of Portsmouth:   Health Dept.:   VDACS: VDACS Food Safety Guide:   

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